Freelance writing jobs have become extremely popular in the last several years. In fact, it’s become easier to break in as a freelance writer and identify freelance writing jobs online than ever before. Many people are considering this as an excellent way to add part-time income to their bottom line or to generate a full-time career that will allow them to leave their day job.
Whatever your goal is with freelance writing, I promise you that if you have the talent, the willingness to market yourself and the ability to deliver high-quality products on time to clients, you’ll be able to succeed in the freelance writing industry. I can say this with confidence because of the tools and tricks that I learned from Yuwanda Black’s SEO copywriting course and that I have implemented over the course of my own freelance career for the last five years. We’ve worked together to put together a bundle that can help you accomplish your goals of starting freelance career, easily and lucratively. Although SEO blogs are just one type of freelance writing jobs that are popular, there are many other opportunities that will allow you to market your SEO knowledge and expand your ability to earn money.
White Papers
White papers are technical documents often used to explain a company’s position on a particular issue, a research project they have delved into or a new product they are preparing to release. White papers are very technical documents that often involve a writer interviewing multiple people at the company and gathering research over the course of several weeks.
Since white papers can be extremely technical and require a vast degree of knowledge in the industry or the ability to consolidate interviews, they can pay extremely well. Make sure you take some time reading white papers of your own to determine whether or not this is the type of structure that you would like to pursue in your freelance writing career.
Email Newsletters
An email newsletter is the lifeblood for any online entrepreneur. It is the primary way he or she communicates with their audience and sells information or provides information for free. Email communication is much less technical than writing a white paper or other types of copy. In fact, emails are typically written as if they are one person speaking directly to another, even when there are thousands of people on the email list receiving that exact same message. For that reason, you must be able to capture a client’s tone and voice succinctly and effectively through email newsletter marketing. Since email newsletters can be sent weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, this is also an opportunity for you to make a great living once you understand your client’s needs.
Sales Content & Copy
Sales content and copy are some of the most lucrative types of content to produce today, simply because the potential return on investment for your client is huge. Imagine, for example, that your client has a $1000 private coaching program that they hope to sell over a webinar. While on the webinar, they will point their listeners and viewers to a sales page. The sales page written by you will tell the readers everything they need to know about the product and why they should purchase it. A great sales page has the potential to convert at extremely high numbers, making it all the more important to understand the craft of good sales copy. Consulting with a client is crucial when writing sales copy, but once you have learned how to do sales copy, you have a skill that is marketable for many years to come.
SEO Blogs
SEO blogs have to be some of the most popular and in-demand content out there for freelance writers. I have made a full-time living as a freelance SEO writer since 2012 and my mentor, Yuwanda Black of Inkwell Editorial, has been writing for SEO for over ten years. This extensive experience from both of us is part of the reason why we bundled our knowledge together to talk about how to launch our SEO copywriting career and use Upwork, my favorite source for leads and the largest freelance job board site in the world. I have successfully used Upwork for many years to land lucrative freelance writing gigs and develop retainer agreements with clients that I love working with. Even when a client does not hire me through Upwork, but discovers more of my feedback from other clients on Upwork. This is a very valuable tool that allows me to increase my earnings and grow my freelance writing business.
SEO blogs are written for an end reader, but also for search engines. Search engines troll the web constantly, looking for information that can help connect the search terms that users are entering into Google with relevant articles. When you can craft content for your clients that serves dual purposes of engaging directly with their audience in addition to telling search engines that they are updating their website regularly with high quality content, thus improving their search engine rankings, you can build wonderful retainer agreements with your existing clients and increase your chances of success as a freelance writer.
What I have listed here is not an exhaustive collection of all the different types of freelance writing jobs that you can land online. In fact, this says nothing about the magazine writing opportunities or other types of copy that may be in-demand or may become in-demand in the future. Writing sales scripts or YouTube video or webinar scripts, for example, could be a great way to enhance the tools you have learned as a sales copywriter and apply it to multiple different industries. That being said, I have chosen to showcase the four most common types of projects that I find on freelance job board sites as well as what my clients ask me to do most often. Learning any one of these skillsets can help you launch a part-time or a full-time career as a freelance writer.