Investing in your education has the potential to pay off in spades, but with the growing number of individuals graduating with crippling student loan debt, it's important that you make the right educational decision for you.These days, pursuing a two-year degree can be extremely beneficial as it can … [Read more...] about Four Careers in Which You Can Make Six-Figures with Two Years or Less of Education
The Freelance Coach Blog
Automated Marketing to Your Ideal Clients with Oguz Konar-EP056
85% of small business fail within the first 12 months because new entrepreneurs don’t take the time to identify and understand their ideal customer. If your new venture is struggling to get off the ground because you are hurting for clients, today’s guest is prepared to offer guidance around getting … [Read more...] about Automated Marketing to Your Ideal Clients with Oguz Konar-EP056
A Framework for Action with Business Strategist and Energy Ninja Jill Ethier-EP055
What is holding you back from pursuing the life you want? In most cases, the answer is fear. Change makes us really uncomfortable, and our brains are wired to resist anything that takes us outside our comfort zone. But today’s guest is ready to help you forge a new neural pathway and expand your … [Read more...] about A Framework for Action with Business Strategist and Energy Ninja Jill Ethier-EP055
Why Leaving an Unfinished Job Open on Upwork Can Actually Hurt Your Ratings
When you accept a job on Upwork, you probably have the best of intentions of completing it. However, there are many different reasons why the job may actually fall apart and this could prove problematic for you as it relates to landing other jobs or your job success score.Your job success score … [Read more...] about Why Leaving an Unfinished Job Open on Upwork Can Actually Hurt Your Ratings
Choosing the Right Clients with Elizabeth Thompson of House Style Editing-EP054
As new entrepreneurs, we are hungry for clients. It can be tempting to take on a project that doesn’t feel quite right because we need the money and want the experience. But today’s guest argues that a poor fit leads to immense frustration, and she is here to offer strategies that will help you … [Read more...] about Choosing the Right Clients with Elizabeth Thompson of House Style Editing-EP054
How Does the Two-Way Feedback System Work on Upwork and How to Use it to Vet Your Freelance Clients
This week's video is about the two-way feedback system on Upwork and how you can make it work for you.As a freelancer looking to start a new relationship with a client, it is beneficial for you to review the client's feedback history to get a sense for what he or she would be like to work with. … [Read more...] about How Does the Two-Way Feedback System Work on Upwork and How to Use it to Vet Your Freelance Clients