Frank Salas (also known as the Talented Mr. Salas) is a serial entrepreneur from Texas living the digital nomad lifestyle. He was born homeless to a single mother, English is his second language, he was raised on a rural farm in Mexico, and he dropped out of college to start his first business at the age of 20. Starting with limited resources, Frank leveraged social media marketing to blow up his business and developed a unique skill set of hiring offshore assistants to grow his online empire while leveraging his currency to get the most return on manpower for his dollar. Today he travels the world, sharing knowledge on entrepreneurship with social media. When he’s not live streaming growth hacks for his tribe, the Talent Tribe, he’s probably somewhere on a rooftop smoking cigars or enjoying some yoga and posting it on his Snapchat.
On this episode of the podcast, Frank talks about his all-in attitude toward entrepreneurship, strategies to build your tribe via social media presence, and how you can scale your business through outsourcing. Get ready to get inspired!
Key Takeaways
Frank’s litmus test for deciding if entrepreneurship is for you
- Would you rather work 80 hours a week for yourself and make nothing, or work 40 hours for someone else to earn a salary?
The Four E’s of Value
- Experience
- Expertise
- Emotions
- Endgame
Frank’s advice for determining your target followers
- Don’t say your product/service is for everyone, get specific
- Ask yourself, “Who is the person I want to help?” and figure out how you can make their lives better
Successful entrepreneurs understand that social media is today’s primary marketing strategy and build an online presence to establish their tribe
- Frank recommends live stream video as a way to connect with people who might buy your products or hire you as a speaker or consultant
- Doing complimentary work demonstrates your value
Frank’s guidelines for outsourcing to scale your business
- Your job is to develop the relationships with clients and close the deal
- Delegate all other work that is not necessary for you to do to virtual assistants
- Establish standard operating procedures for processes
Knowledge is not power. The application and execution of knowledge is the power.
Connect with Frank Salas