Kali Rogers is the CEO and founder of Blush Online Life Coaching. She has her BA in Psychology from the University of Texas in Austin and her masters in counseling from Southern Methodist University in Dallas. She currently lives in Los Angeles, where she leads a team of five who coach millennial females all over the globe through the Quarter Life Crisis.
Kali first began to develop the idea for Blush while bartending her way through graduate school. She noticed the high turnover of young female managers and pitched the idea of online counseling to the large restaurant chain where she worked. Although they didn’t bite, Kali continued to be drawn to entrepreneurship, and when she was fired from a traditional counseling job, the time was right to start Blush.
Blush’s mission is to provide affordable, convenient and professional online life coaching for any girl, anywhere. The company is dedicated to encouraging, motivating and challenging girls from all over the globe. On this episode of the podcast, Kali destroys the stigma associated with counseling (strong, successful people benefit from coaching), explains Blush’s validating coaching style and encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to take the leap.
Key Takeaways
High functioning individuals benefit from counseling and coaching services
The psychological challenges of entrepreneurship
- Coming to terms with the fact that you don’t fit in at a ‘normal job’
- Explaining the service you provide to others (friends and family may not understand the work you do)
Kali’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs
- “Become friends with good enough” – perfect is not feasible
- Check in regularly with supportive people who get what you are trying to do
- You’re never going to be ready, so let go and go for it
Definition of Quarter Life Crisis
- The feeling of loss and hopelessness young women feel after they leave the structure of school (where success was easy to measure) and suddenly face a freefall where there is no formula for success
Kali’s Marketing Tips
- Expand your company through the power of writing – blog posts and email lists were the key to Blush’s initial growth
- Propagate with Pinterest – the recent use of Pinterest quadrupled Blush’s web traffic
- Take advantage of channels like Instagram and Google to attract clients to your site
Customize your services to maximize accessibility
- New clients complete a profile before they are matched with an ideal coach (like the Harry Potter sorting hat!)
- Blush offers a variety of options that range in price from $25 to $249
Connect with Kali Rogers

Kali Rogers is the CEO and Founder of Blush Online Life Coaching. She has her BA in Psychology from the University of Texas in Austin and her masters in counseling from SMU in Dallas. She currently lives in Los Angeles where she leads a team of five coaches who coach millennial females all over the globe through the quarter life crisis.