When your phone pings, it can be tough for a freelancer to ignore. Who is it? What do they need? Is it a potential client?
Many of us are addicted to email, and we have a very difficult time maintaining focus on our writing. We may even believe that we are getting more accomplished by multi-tasking. But the truth of the matter is that constantly changing lanes in your brain makes it more difficult to get things done – and it’s mentally taxing.
Laura is back with a solo podcast as part of her Become a Better Writer series. She shares her best advice about breaking your addiction to email, batching like-tasks to increase productivity, and utilizing available tools to eliminate distractions. Listen and learn how to create high-quality content in less time as you maximize your income potential!
Key Takeaways
The concept of batching
- Defined as doing like tasks together
- Requires organization
The benefits of batching
- Allows your brain to hit its stride and maintain focus
- Adds up to ten hours of productivity per week
- Increases income potential
How to deal with unforeseen circumstances
- Adjust your schedule as needed
- Give yourself wiggle room
Pareto’s Principle
- Work ‘expands’ to fill amount of time to complete
- We are more likely to adhere to self-imposed deadlines
Laura’s tips to avoid email distractions and minimize time spent in correspondence
- When you’re in writing mode, turn off your email
- Schedule time blocks to respond to email (e.g.: Laura spends one hour twice a day)
- In responses, give clients the next unnecessary step (i.e.: “no need to reply”)
- Utilize a scheduling tool to avoid unnecessary back-and-forth
- Employ an auto-responder to let clients know you are unavailable
The dangers of multi-tasking
- Generates anxiety
- Takes 20-30 minutes to regain focus
- Makes you feel tired
- Decreases productivity
Connect with Laura Pennington
Email: info@betterbizacademy.com